Archeopark Pavlov is a modern exhibition offering access to one of the world’s most important prehistoric localities from the time of the mammoth hunters. It familiarizes visitors with a settlement created by modern Homo sapiens on the slopes of the Pálava massif during a period 30,000 years BP, and opens up the material and spiritual world of these people, who inhabited the site for several thousand years.
Inside the building’s unique architecture, whose angles burrow beneath the earth to embrace the original find layers, we are presented with the stone and bone tools that people of the Gravettian culture used in their daily lives and during the hunt. A replica of the Dolní Věstonice grave of three young adults, meanwhile, confronts us with their burial rites, while their aesthetic sensibility is conveyed by the display of artistic artefacts, among which can be seen Venus figurines and animal sculptures.
Nor does the presentation overlook the fascinating history of the excavations, long associated with the discovery of the Venus of Dolní Věstonice, and the exhibition highlights the most valuable finds. These include the set of skeletal remains of modern humans, the oldest such ensemble available to anthropology today, as well as evidence of technology that humans employed perhaps for the first time ever at this very site – manufacturing ceramics, weaving textiles and grinding stones. One of the exhibition’s unique features is the midden of mammoth bones, which still remains in situ after being uncovered; its presence also allows us to imagine archaeologists busy working on the dig.
The stunning museum presentation, complemented by modern audio-visual technology, and the singularly impressive Archeopark building, awarded the prestigious Building of the Year prize for 2016, combine to offer visitors an exclusive experience in every sense.
This exhibition is managed by the Regional Museum in Mikulov.