© Archeopark Pavlov, 2025 design by Ondrej Hauser developed by Via Aurea
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The story of the building

A unique museum on the site of a mammoth hunter settlement

The project began with the idea to build an “archeopark”, drawn up as a plan in 2003 at the behest of the Institute of Archaeology of the CAS, Brno, v.v.i., which is a partner and expert supervisor to the project. The project was prepared by the Regional Museum in Mikulov in collaboration with the architectural studio of Radko Květ. Construction was jointly undertaken by two companies: OHL ŽS, a. s. and SKR stav, s. r. o. The exhibition was designed by Pixl-e, and the furnishings and AV technology were supplied by A. M. O. S. Design, s. r. o., and Lotech, s. r. o.

The museum’s structural design was inspired by the given features of the locality. It was assumed that the finds layer would have been buried deep below the loess – and so emerged the concept of an underground structure. A second and no less important factor was that the building would be situated in a Protected Landscape Area. The architects therefore chose the form of a subterranean space with protruding towers of white concrete, evoking the surrounding outcrops of limestone cliffs. Thus the requirement for the building not to overly burden, in terms of scale or mass, the local landscape and scenery was fulfilled. From the very start, particular consideration was also given to the exhibition being in situ – in other words, ensuring that archaeological finds would remain post-excavation in their original context.

The outstanding architecture and the attractively conceived exhibition, combining contemporary AV technology with traditional museum displays across an area of over 500 m2, has granted the public access to the most important findings that scientific research into the locality has discovered. Although the presentation does not overlook the fascinating history of the excavations, primary focus is given to the actual material and spiritual world of our forebears, showing not only the original stone tools and bone implements used in everyday life, but also artistic artefacts; attention is given to topics such as hunting, everyday life in the settlement, art and rituals as well as burial and magic. The most valuable finds are highlighted, these include the actual skeletons of the people themselves and evidence of new technology.