From 2019, you can follow in the footsteps of mammoth hunters under Pálava. The archaeological trail between Pavlov and Dolní Věstonice will take you through the 5 most important archeological sites. You can look at the places where archaeologists made discoveries years ago that forever inscribed the area below Pálava in world history. You can walk near places where, for example, the famous Venus of Věstonice was found or where the mysterious Dolnověstonice triple tomb was discovered to this day. However, this is only a fraction of what the panels at the individual stops will acquaint you with. Get acquainted with the findings that present the lives of people 30,000 years ago. Explore the sites of the mammoth hunters, places that have revealed to us what life was like beneath the Pálava hills many thousands of years ago.
trail length: 4,1 km
number of stops: 5
difficulty: medium, for hikers
language: Czech and English
Pavlov I
The Pavlov I site was excavated in the years 1952–1972 and again in 2013–2015. Together with the
Dolní Věstonice I site, it is one of the most important mammoth hunter settlements in the world.
Since 2016, the location has been home to Archeopark Pavlov, which uses contemporary technology
and insights to present the Upper Palaeolithic culture of mammoth hunters.
Dolní Věstonice I
Dolní Věstonice I is the site where, in 1924, Karel Absolon, under the auspices of the Moravian
Museum, began the first systematic excavations of the Palaeolithic sites below the Pálava skyline.
From 1947 until today, these digs have been associated with the Institute of Archaeology of the
Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno. What makes the site unique are the remains of a hunting
settlement, the broad range of artistic artefacts (human and animal figurines, decorative objects,
etc.), anthropological finds, and the earliest evidence of new technologies, like the production of
ceramics and textiles. The site has given up numerous important artefacts, e.g. the Venus of Dolní
Dolní Věstonice III
Dolní Věstonice III is a smaller mammoth hunter settlement, situated on a rise, just like the other
identified settlement sites located within the village boundaries of Dolní Věstonice. The site is
primarily known for finds related to its stone tool industry, which in addition to documenting the
presence of mammoth hunters, also point to an older settlement by an Aurignacian culture (40–
35,000 BCE).
Dolní Věstonice IIa
Thanks to surface finds, the site of Dolní Věstonice IIa has been known about since the 1930s. The
layer of loess here was not particularly thick, which means that, in some places, finds have come
right to the surface. In their surveys of the site, researchers from the Archaeological Institute of the
CAS, Brno, dug test holes and conducted other surface surveys. Area rescue excavations were carried
out in 1999 and again in 2012.
Dolní Věstonice II
The Dolní Věstonice II site is generally known thanks to the discovery of the common grave of three
young people, also referred to as the ‘Dolní-Věstonice Triple Grave’. This locality is an extensive
mammoth hunter settlement, discovered during the extraction of loess to build dykes for the Nové
Mlýny reservoirs in the years 1985–1991. Despite the site’s large scale, unlike the Pavlov I and Dolní
Věstonice I sites, it has left behind fewer remains of settlement, and these are comparatively less
varied. This settlement was presumably occupied for a shorter time.